Game Marvel Super Hero Squad is a game that was taken from the movie Marvel Super Hero Squad Show which aired on Cartoon Network. Marvel Super Hero Squad will also mark the first collaboration between THQ with Marvel Entertainment and is currently being developed by Blue Tongue for the Wii console, Nintendo DS, PlayStation 2 and PSP. This game is scheduled to release on October 20, 2009.
The following is a complete list of characters in the game:
- Captain America
- Falcon
- Hulk
- Invisible Woman
- Iron Man
- Ms. Marvel
- Nightcrawler
- Silver Surfer
- Spiderman
- Storm
- The Thing
- Thor
- Wolverine
- A.I.M Agent
- Abomination
- Crimson Dynamo
- Dr. Doom
- Juggernaut
- Magneto
- Mole Man
- Sabertooth
Pertamax memang Muahal bosss
Comeng back ok
nice preview i like HULK Incridible
lengkap nich super heronya
keren sobt...
keep spirit and smilee......
nice game.!!
keep posting friends!
Nice info sob...
mantap bro..