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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Can not be denied again, Modern Warfare 2 is one of the game the most awaited and anticipated by gamers. From the trailer, which is shown, this game does look promising and not yet added to the fact that in previous games, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare The first, managed to achieve great success. No wonder if many gamers are hoping at this one game and we rarely even get a story in which big games that will soon be released, it was juxtaposed with the game was made by Infinity Wards.

In this latest game, you will take the role of a soldier named Sergeant Gary "Roach" Sanderson. While the main hero in the previous game, "Soap" MacTavish, now has become a captain and he has replaced the position of Captain Price.

In the demo we saw with our own eyes, we can not deny that all the enthusiasm that is owned by the gamers will be met with great success. In the demo we saw, seen where a gamer who played those levels was in an area full of snow and you're shown a snowy mountain climbing. After that, you immediately use a weapon equipped with a silencer for the past Russian soldiers to be able to reach a satellite that has fallen.

When finished struggling with mountains of snow, you will begin to explore the mountain full of snow and you will be armed with a machine gun equipped with a heartbeat sensor. This tool is useful to know whether there is an enemy near you. At first, this game will still be easy to play, but soon, you will increasingly find it difficult. Apparently this stage is designed so that you must use your stealth skills to get through the defense of the Russian troops safely. This all is a mode single-player game. There's more other multiplayer game modes.

One of the modes provided here called Special Ops mode. This mode is a stand-alone mode outside of game mode single-player and multiplayer in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. In this mode, you can choose to play alone or want to play together with your friends by using co-op feature. You need to know, Special Ops mode is a game mode has a high tempo game and will need high self readiness to play this one mode.

Infinity Wards did say that the Special Ops mode this is an exciting new mode of Call of Duty franchise to include in their new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. So, that means you'll get three modes you can play, ranging from single-player mode, multiplayer and Special Ops. Which she called again, all these modes will stand alone and will not have anything to do with each other. For example, if you managed to get a prize when playing a multiplayer mode, then the award will not be available in single-player mode or modes Special Ops.

Special ops mode is included here can also be said to be a place for a few scenes that are considered incompatible with the main storyline the game, fumbled. Thus, this mode is a special mode that includes all the scenes that are not so listed by Infinity Wards into single-mode playernya. That alone indicates that each mode there are stand alone and had nothing to do with the other modes.

Equipment for a sniper is also quite diverse. One of the important peripheral sight here is the screen. This time, you will find a lot of this type of viewfinder screen, from screen capture that will target the enemy based on body temperature, there is a normal viewfinder screen you usually find in a hunting rifle and still have a few more different types of viewfinder screen provided for this game . Quite innovative, Infinity Wards.

Talk about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, certainly can not miss one of the main factors, namely weapons. There are quite a lot of different weapons you can find in this game and all that you can find only in one game only. Even in a game later, you too will enter a room full of weapons.

A series of cool scenes that were not left behind and the mission needs in an increasingly exciting and interesting will also continue to accompany you to play. High-quality images, sound and steady kedetilan level high enough in this game makes Modern Warfare 2 be one of the most decent game anticipated. All this talk and fuss about how good this game was not in vain and totally in accordance with the expectations of gamers.

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ada 4 comments ke “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2”
Neneng said...
pada hari 

Good info....

akhatam said...
pada hari 

Wah mantep nih kayaknya...!!!

wiski.dumb said...
pada hari 

btw obscure 2 dah nyampai di stage apa nie...

medan said...
pada hari 

Gamenya keren. Nice sharing

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