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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online, MMOG's Cryptic Studios based on the popular Star Trek franchise, announced about a year ago. In the event Gamescom in Germany, last August, Cryptic shows a gameplay demo of the game featuring a battle ship and land battle on the planet. At PAX event, they present a playable demo can be played by the visitors.

Executive producer of Star Trek Online, Craig Zinkievich talking about episodic content that they introduce into the game. According to him, their goal is to make the players feel on the one episode of Star Trek, so the players kept moving between air and ground missions. As captain of the ship, players can select and train the crew of the bridge itself, such as caps on the traditional MMOG, but with some customization. Starting with a crew, players will collect more as a game, or take in a mission so the players can choose which one is needed depends on the situation, since each crew has their own abilities.

Because the player is the captain of a large warship that is theoretically have hundreds of thousands of crew, ship combat is a matter of set shields, and machine guns at the right time. The aim is to paralyze the enemy's shield, after that, firing torpedoes. Players can use the Q, E, and WASD to control the movement of ships. In battle, players can also adjust the division of energy between shields, engines and weapons, depending on what part of most need it. As Zinkievich, the bridge crew can also make a big difference. A science officer can use the tachyon beam to destroy enemy armor, while a tactical officer can use photon torpedoes to disable enemy ships. A fairly effective combination.

In land battles, players can carry two weapons that can be changed as needed. Each weapon has three types of attacks; regular attacks, special attacks and Melee attacks. With a sniper rifle and a grenade launcher in hand, players can throw a grenade into a room full of enemies, and then kill the enemies that come out of the room to avoid the grenade explosions. Enemy

During his stay in the ground, the captain can also use the career-specific equipment which is equipment and a very special attack. For example, a Tactical Kit that contains an attack called Leg Sweep, and a Targeting Optics instrument that will add to the accuracy of the captain. With the growing reputation of the player with Starfleet, then he will also get access to the tools better.

Although the demo does not include character creation, Zinkievich mentioned that the Star Trek Online, players can choose one of the races in Star Trek, or he can create his own character and add it to the races there in the universe. An interesting concept that might make the gamers can not wait to play it.

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ada 10 comments ke “Star Trek Online”
mas doyok said...
pada hari 

gam,e bagus infonya mantaaaaaaaap

champions said...
pada hari 

where I can get this game?? is already sold in the market? please give me diblog comment .. I waiting,,,

Rizqon Mustafa said...
pada hari 

sob down loadnya dimana sob yang gratisan
makasih infonya ya sob

jangan lupa komment balik disini sob

central004 said...
pada hari 

this is a good Game..,thank

bisnis pulsa gsp said...
pada hari 

nice share guys...
thank u

Septian Gusonela said...
pada hari 

gamenya bagus...

Anonymous said...
pada hari 

Sharing game yu...mantap ini games tnk infonya

Ocim said...
pada hari 

Sip iya nih mantep banget
makasih ya

Anonymous said...
pada hari 

hiii friend blog walking plz visit me back plz

katrox_kudus said...
pada hari 

wuih mantab nih ,.....

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