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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

EA Announces FIFA 2010 Sales sells in the market

Electronic Arts has announced the sale of one of the best-selling game for sweet and even broke the record there. These games are FIFA 2010. Total games that have been sold so far is about 1.7 million units scattered throughout the game stores in Europe in just 1 week. This game has been transformed into one of gaming's best-selling sport has ever seen and also the launch of EA in Europe the greatest in history.

"We strongly believe that FIFA 2010 will become famous and this week, fans in all of Europe has shown how indifferent they are in this game," said Peter Moore, president of EA Sports. "We are very proud of the FIFA 2010 and this will provide an authentic football competition and very good."

FIFA 2010 has been launched into the world and also has a very positive response. Today, FIFA 2010 is a sports game that is rated for nilau highest ever in the PlayStation 3 and Xbox360.

This game has received value from Eurogamer Italy sempuran and Total Video Games Official Xbox Magazine Italy 2010 FIFA call this as the best football game ever. Meanwhile, the UK Official PlayStation Magazine called this game the best football game ever on PS3 and Germany called ConsolPlus of this game as the best football game ever obtained by the world.

The fans in Europe are all interested in the online features provided by this 2010 FIFA. Recorded since the launch of this, has more than 10 million game sessions played online, with a total of about 155,000 gamers who play this game online.

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ada 13 comments ke “EA Announces FIFA 2010 Sales sells in the market”
roomen said...
pada hari 

klo mau download dmn???

Ocim said...
pada hari 

wah keren uy, nunggu temen beli dulu ntar saya pinkem hehehe

mas doyok said...
pada hari 

dlu aku pertama kenal EA sport dari Fifa :D

Atom said...
pada hari 

Kayak aslinya yah...
Ntar beli ah ps 3 nya...

pada hari 

Mantap juga games nya itu...

Kenali dan Kunjung Objek Wisata di Pandeglang said...
pada hari 

iya nih gamesnya bener2 mirip dengan aslinya yah mas mantap dah

freezipe said...
pada hari 

keren euy

Rival Aditya said...
pada hari 

bgus tuch tpi syang aq blom pernah main ps 3....nice post

Alwi said...
pada hari 

Kalu saya mah masih setia sama PES 2008 tapi yang dah dimodif tetep keren abis mo pake PES 2009 spec-nya nggak cukup heeeeeee.eeee

Brian said...
pada hari 

wow... i just love playing fifa

indmaxo said...
pada hari 

Perbedaan adalah anugrah dari
Yang Maha Kuasa!

Lihatlah sekeliling kita, indahnya
warna-warni bunga, warna-warni satwa,
dan segala keragaman lain yang
menghiasi dunia.

inget dek meskipun qt beda tapi di hadapan uhan qt sama sama-sama hamba yg faqir,yg mn selalu butuh dg-Nya.
key slam dr gw,,,moga clb yg lu impiin bs menng amiiinnnnnnb

arizz-media said...
pada hari 

udah di jual di pasaran pa blum tuh ??

BizStra said...
pada hari 

Waahh, kalau ada waktu mau belajar main game di sini nih....Pasti seru kan.. :-)

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