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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Red Cliff Online

you all must have known the story of three very famous kingdoms in China is not? One of the most famous battles in the history of three kingdoms iu a battle at the Red Cliff or often also called the Battle of Red Cliff (Chi Bi). In this fight, a combination of strength Sun Quan and Liu Bei, defeated Cao Cao fighter who was very much that.

Judging from the corner of the graph, this game has a graphic quality pretty good, but not too well. We think there are actually only very little improvement. Character models provided similar average, only aided by the differences in the model used clothing. The number of options are also limited to the face and many of them difficult to distinguish. The characters you can choose very few and they all have an average of similar face each other. Not only the main characters, but also on the enemy that must always be the same.

By the time you want to start a game, it is quite simple. You only need to enter the name you want, look you, and one weapon that you want to use. After you successfully get the subclass, you can choose weapons to 2, but at that moment, not all the weapons you can use.

How to control the characters here are also quite unique, and we had a little bit difficult to understand clearly how to play. But after a while we tried, we were getting used to. The right mouse button is used to talk and interact with the NPC and attack the enemy, an enemy while the left button is used to move and set targets.

Related to the issue of weapons here, there are differences between each weapon you can use and most affected by the different classes. Saber weapon is a standard weapon for the character of the warrior class. Saber is quite large but slow and has a level of damage is very high. Fan War is a weapon that can only be used by the healer and this class has some ability to improve the status and also heal. Although it feels different, but the distance between the existing classes have a significant advantage and as a result, you can fight and kill the enemy without even attack.

Experience is useful for many purposes. Indeed this is a fairly simple thing, but at the same time is a problem that is also very important. Here, it seems you do not need too much you level up, but the monsters you face it alone gives the number of very small experience. Most experience you will come from the mission that has you run and you also do not have to worry about running out of stock of the mission, because the mission is given at the beginning of the game quite a lot. But unfortunately, slowly but surely, every award you get from the missions you have completed will begin to feel not commensurate with your level. Experience you can use to mengingkatkan levels, increase your class rank for the opening of new tactics and learning new tricks. Unfortunately, the combination of these three things can quickly kill all the experience you have gained during this.

There is little difference in this Red Cliff Online. When you have increased levels, which have only the status and the addition of HP. While MP and Vigor was not going to change. MP can be used to issue and mercifully stance could grow their own with a fairly rapid pace. While Vigor can be obtained from the use of certain tactics and you will really need to use a style that much stronger. When you're not fighting, it can be discharged Vigor and constant speed is also very fast.

Features to make things (Crafting) are also provided here and have a similar way of working with online games more. To create an object, you can learn the recipes given by the NPC or from books, then you collect the necessary equipment themselves and live you just created. What makes this game seem a little different is that sometimes when you create a weapon or a specific item, chances are you can produce a rare item and the status given to a different course than the usual version. The more often you do Crafting, then the higher will be your ability in Crafting and also will be many more things that you can make.

Of course, an online game would not be complete without a guild features. Here, replaced with the alliance guild. You only need to recruit other players and form a group and will automatically become the alliance. After the alliance phase, you will meet with army phase, where the army is an association of some alliance at once. After passing army, then we arrived at the largest scale you can achieve in this game, the Nation. When you join one of the kingdom which is provided, whether it Shu, or Wei Wu, then automatically you have joined in a nation. Once you join one of the nation, then the remaining 2 countries will be considered as an enemy and sometimes you will experience a small war between countries.

Last comment from us, we feel this game is still similar to the game in general. Although using a different theme of the story generally, you will still feel a very general resemblance to the game online. Starting from weapons, classes, characters and monsters. But still, this game is one game that's worth a try for those who loved the story about the 3 kingdoms in China is.

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ada 15 comments ke “Red Cliff Online”
mas doyok said...
pada hari 

biosa dicoba nih yons
blogging juga perlu refresing nge gameeee

Ocim said...
pada hari 

mesti di coba2 nih
dah lama na maen game online yg kyk gini, paling maen DOT-A doank

hendrie k_bejo said...
pada hari 

"pangeran datang. bukan dengan kekuatan tapi dengan senyum" Coment balas Coment Linkoeh juga pasng yokay....

Trik-tips Blog said...
pada hari 

"pangeran datang. bukan dengan kekuatan tapi dengan senyum" Coment balas Coment Linkoeh juga pasng yokay....

Comeng Balik coy

Trik-tips Blog : Boleh juga nih SOB nice

Anonymous said...
pada hari 

nice info sob!
keep posting!

Imoel said...
pada hari 

Wah.. keren sob...
nice post...

akhatam said...
pada hari 

wih... keren gamesnya.... terus berkarya sobat...

ndafender said...
pada hari 

asik yons mantab all about games....

Danu Akbar said...
pada hari 

referensi yg bagus bro.. hehe

CAR INSURANCE (CI002) said...
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MbahDoyok said...
pada hari 

aku udah coba seobbbb

Dek Yusron said...
pada hari 

nice info sob!
keep posting!

pada hari 

donlotannya dimana nih he he he

trik tips blog said...
pada hari 

so cooll!

trik blog
trik tips blog

trik blog
trik tips blog

naga said...
pada hari 

oh cuma revieu aja

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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani